It seems that Venezuela Fury, just 15 years old, doesn’t care who her father is and is going her own way to make money.

Tyson Fury, who announced his retirement a few weeks ago, has a net worth of $140 million, but it seems that Venezuela, his daughter, doesn’t care much about him and is already quite the entrepreneur.

The young woman has gained a huge following on social media, with 94,700 followers on her Instagram account at just 15 years old. How crazy is that?

Venezuela took advantage of this big break to show off by selling clothes, shoes, jackets and elegant suits, she opened her shop profile on Vinted and everything is going very well for the young woman.

At 15 years old, she not only shows a desire to stand out in her own way, but also has tremendous sales skills.

However, many users have noticed that the page has already been deleted, for now the reason for the deactivation is unknown.

However, her profile showed a wide variety of designer clothes at impressive prices, for example a purple dress by Rebecca Vallance costing $639 and a scarlet mini dress by Patty Fashion costing $521.

Tyson Fury’s warning to his 7 children

Some users were surprised by an online store run by Tyson Fury’s daughter, as she is surrounded by money from her father that can solve her life in a matter of seconds.

But there would be a story behind it…

Some time ago, Tyson Fury had already pointed out in an interview that he wants his children to do something with their lives and not depend on the millions of dollars he has in his pockets:

I want my kids to get their own money, do their own things and be their own people. I don’t believe in just giving all your money to your kids, but it will make them weak, spoiled and not value anything, worthless. They’ll end up getting to 35 and never having done anything for themselves apart from spending dad’s money

Tyson Fury

He also left this reflection for those who criticize his ideas with their children:

“They’ll be middle-aged looking in the mirror and being disappointed. If I buy my son a Lamborghini as soon as he passes his test, he’ll probably kill himself in it. But he also wouldn’t appreciate it. But if he works hard and gets himself a 2004 Corsa, he will be outside washing the s*** out every day, hoovering it top to bottom. And I will be proud of him because he has done it himself,” said Tyson Fury.

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