The story of Juan Soto after reaching free agency following a magical season with the New York Yankees and having to listen to several suitors before choosing the New York Mets with the most lucrative contract in Major League Baseball history, for $765 million over 15 years, culminated in a well-deserved vacation in his native Dominican Republic.

In recent days, Juan Soto has been seen enjoying his roots, in a nightclub where he caused controversy for refusing to sing a part of the Yankees, after the DJ played the ‘Soto shuffle’. He was later seen at a softball game in Santo Domingo, and also handed out Christmas gifts in the neighborhood where he grew up. He was also one of the guests of honor at the Christmas dinner organized by the president of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader, at the National Palace, which was also attended by David Ortiz, Pedro Martinez and Marcell Ozuna.

Despite all the luxuries he could acquire with the millionaire deal with the Mets, the right fielder remains humble and caught the attention of an image shared on social networks by MLB expert Michael Rodriguez, which shows Soto in a family gathering during Christmas Eve, in an intimate and cozy moment with his brother Elian Soto and his father.

Juan Soto delivers Christmas gifts in the neighborhood where he grew up

In a video circulating on social media, Juan Soto was seen handing out Christmas gifts to adults and children in the neighborhood where he grew up in the Dominican Republic in an event in which he also took the time to dedicate an emotional message of thanks.

“Thank you all for being here and supporting me and my family. On another occasion more than what we bring here to help you and help the community, the neighborhood that saw me grow up as a child, where I spent many, but thank God we did it, we achieved the goal,” said Juan Soto during the event, in which he is seen handing out the boxes.

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